What Life is Worth Living?

I’m writing to you from Oaxaca, Mexico, where I am co-living and co-working with a group of other (COVID tested) digital nomad types for a whole month. It is a significant step towards creating the type of life that I think is worth living. One filled with rich community, meaningful conversations, and new experiences. I’ve

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An Intro to Ego and Soul Consciousness

This post is about the concept of Ego. I’m not talking about hubris. The ego in this sense is the thing that most of us identify with. The person or idea of a person that we think we are. My ego has a story, without which, “I” as my ego knows “I” to be, would

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The Problem With “Suicide Prevention”

Ok, first I’ll acknowledge that’s a little bit of a sensationalist title, but it’s also genuine. I can say it is genuine, because I honestly don’t wish someone was there to stop my Dad on the day he committed suicide. For those that don’t know anything about my story, that doesn’t come from any sort

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A Self Examination of Inherited Beliefs

I want to give you a gift. An opportunity to take a few minutes to think about the beliefs and characteristics you’ve inherited, implying without autonomy at the time you adopted them. I know that you hate that statement a little already, because we like to believe we are in complete control of ourselves. It’s

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Curing 5 Years of Chronic Depression with Naturopathic Medicine

I’ve put off writing this post for too long. I wanted to have achieved 100% wellness so I could write from a place of triumph and authority, but life seldom works like that. The truth is, I’m still fine tuning my health, and am working with my naturopathic doctor to understand why I experience some

What Life is Worth Living?

I’m writing to you from Oaxaca, Mexico, where I am co-living and co-working with a group of other (COVID tested) digital nomad types for a whole month. It is a significant step towards creating the type of life that I think is worth living. One filled with rich community, meaningful conversations, and new experiences. I’ve

An Intro to Ego and Soul Consciousness

This post is about the concept of Ego. I’m not talking about hubris. The ego in this sense is the thing that most of us identify with. The person or idea of a person that we think we are. My ego has a story, without which, “I” as my ego knows “I” to be, would

The Problem With “Suicide Prevention”

Ok, first I’ll acknowledge that’s a little bit of a sensationalist title, but it’s also genuine. I can say it is genuine, because I honestly don’t wish someone was there to stop my Dad on the day he committed suicide. For those that don’t know anything about my story, that doesn’t come from any sort

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